Docendo is a thriving publishing house of fiction and non-fiction, established in 1990. The head office is located in Jyväskylä, an area of the Central Finland. We publish about 70 titles a year, mostly non-fiction. Our carefully selected translated titles include works by Malcolm Gladwell, Mark Galeotti, Masha Gessen, Michael Booth, Tom Wainwright and Midas Dekkers.
Docendo is a leading publisher in economics, current affairs and history, but we’ve done well also with books on wildlife, biographies and wellbeing. In recent years, we have expanded in fiction and children’s literature.
We make our books available to our users in whichever format suits them best – we have a large selection of audiobooks and eBooks.
CrimeTime is an imprint of Docendo, specializing into crime – both fiction and non-fiction.
Docendo is a part of Werner Söderström Ltd.
Contact information
Piippukatu 7 A 7
40100 Jyväskylä
phone: +358 40 50 83 866
VAT-number: FI05993400 (Werner Söderström Ltd.)
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